Basic Education Certificate Exams (2021)

AMAZING news! Our first batch of students who took part in the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) came out with flying colors. Owing to the impact of quality early childhood education, they have an extremely bright future ahead of them. At The LEAP schools, resources are put to maximum use for great savings on students […]

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Off-Classroom lessons on Cocoa

The noble man, Tettey Quashie, did not just bring us a means of Livelihood and economic growth. He also brought us a priceless cultural heritage, a product that has defined the lives of our forefa- thers and our blessed nation for the past 13 decades. We are learning about about the great crop Cocoa today. […]

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Vision 2020

The Vision Keeps Growing Children are the common basis of all dimensions of sustainable development. No advances in sustainable development will occur in the coming decades without multiple generations contributing to societal improvement (SDSN, 2014). Early childhood is the critical period to lay the foundations for success in education and beyond. Good quality pre-school programmes […]

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Ghana @ 60 Cultural Display

We have a way of life; a particular way we act, talk and do everything. See our students displaying their sense of cultural pride to the many people who assembled on this day to witness the occasion.

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5th Anniversary Donation

Give and it shall be given onto you. It’s not only when you have that you give because as human beings we must be there for each other. That is why staff and students of the leap school take time off to visit the needy and the disadvantaged. The staff and students of the Leap […]

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