Vision 2030

To model a modern and standard educational facility where children will develop skills which will enable them to strengthen their lives, families, communities and cultures; through teamwork between staff, students and parents.

Vision 2020 achieved!

Children are the common basis of all dimensions of sustainable development. No advances in sustainable development will occur in the coming decades without multiple generations contributing to societal improvement (SDSN, 2014).

Early childhood is the critical period to lay the foundations for success in education and beyond. Good quality pre-school programs are vital to prepare young children for school. Evidence demonstrates the short and long term benefits of pre-primary education. They range from a head start in literacy and numeracy skills to improved attention, effort and initiative- all of which lead to better education and employment outcomes (testimonies of our reading club beneficiaries on Facebook).

Our vision is to provide quality early childhood development and education using well –trained teachers, ICT and curriculum developed by experts in a child-sensitive, safe and non-violent learning environment; as well as build on life skills of youth in the wider Obuasi community and its environs.


This has been successful with our LEAP Sikapa for Girls initiative which is creating a safe means of income generation for adolescent girls and young women by providing skills development and connecting them to local and international markets.

As a school we believe that educators should be able to identify individuals gifted in many their ways and provide structured paths for them to reach their dreams faster; whether young or old. Hence the achievement of our first batch of students who took part in the Basic Education Examination (BECE) and came out with flying colors in 2021 after locked down is very significant.

We intend to impact many more children by increasing enrollment and replicating our model in other parts of Ghana.

At the LEAP schools, there are lots of savings on investment if you enroll your child in our early childhood or youth programs and stay with us to the end.

To provide a standard educational experience through the integration of academic, moral and socio-physical training in a nurturing and fun-filled environment.

Our Goal

To provide a standard educational facility that can lift children into their full potential in life!
(Leading to Enhance Abilities & Potential – LEAP)

Our motto

Little steps into Big steps

  • Love – one for everyone and everyone for one.
  • Respect – value for every individual.
  • Positivity – persevere to get the best in everyone and in everything.

All children will be loved and cared for in a positively reinforced learning environment that promotes exploration and interaction through:

  • Social skills (sharing, getting along with others, respecting others; emotional growth /positive self-concept),
  • Intellectual reasoning (think, reason, question, experiment),
  • Physical development (gross/fine motor concepts as well as sound health, safety, and nutritional practices) are critical components of our curriculum.
  • Teaching the children to be loving, happy, patient, kind, gentle, and forgiving will ensure strong character traits and will ultimately train our children to become leaders.

  • Under no circumstance will a child under our care ever be ridiculed, humiliated, or subjected to any form of corporal punishment.

  • If the culture of shaming starts very early people don’t grow out of it!
