Afraid scared but can’t hide

Alone isolated and can’t hug

Deprived of resources so can’t test…Can’t touch, can’t cure

Corona, Colonized, Confused!

Schools closed with no curricula

Relationships failing yet can’t scatter

Economies struggling but can’t work

Emotions rising so don’t think, just birth….just push, pull, breathe…..PUSH!

Ventilators, Vaccines, Victory!


Sanitize..Sensitize…mask, wash hands ….scrub the body, the cast, the vessel, the temple…..and be quick…

“They want us to go back, we want to go back, we have to go back”, back, back… back in time, to un-trodden paths, decoded myths, falsehoods, conspiracies!

Google it, zoom in, face time, time? Time?…Time is tick toking on.


We are in this together.

Truly united we win six feet apart,

A bit divided we fall six feet below,

Death stares from the screens but it is old habits which must rather die.

Pandemic, Plague Apocalypse!


Cough but cover it

Sneeze but snooze it

Speak but muffle it

Live but minimize it


Listen to your soul

Look within your heart

Feel angry and unanswered

Retouch, Reuse, Resend.. Everything is in re-mode so…


Your spirit still strong can do everything,

Your mind still calm can do anything,

Expand, Expound, Explore!


Pray read, write paint, …sleep

Paint call, sew praise, …sleep

Praise dance, cook plan, …sleep

Plan code, draw play, …sleep

Play clean, sell give, …sleep

Give .. give hope, take hope…take care, find self, shine self…


You were stronger, from your creator  

You bounce harder, to rise higher


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