Career Day

We have a responsibility to fulfill;  to build up the future Problem Solvers that the world needs. It is true that the problems in the world that we live in today are numerous, but the Almighty is not looking unconcerned. He has given us the very solutions that we need to face and solve our […]

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Angelina Day

We ‘Rock’ our own; Angelina. There is no happy moment than the time you are proud of the handy works of indigenous craftsmen.  On this day, both staff and students of the leap schools appeared in their locally made Angelinas’. It was a fun time as we all interacted and had fun. We are a […]

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Social Studies Day

Not confining our students to the four walls of our school is very crucial to us. At the leap schools, education is the development of the whole person and as such we take keen interest in exposing our students to other aspects of society. During our social studies days, students are taken out to experience […]

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Vision 2020

The Vision Keeps Growing Children are the common basis of all dimensions of sustainable development. No advances in sustainable development will occur in the coming decades without multiple generations contributing to societal improvement (SDSN, 2014). Early childhood is the critical period to lay the foundations for success in education and beyond. Good quality pre-school programmes […]

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Ghana @ 60 Cultural Display

We have a way of life; a particular way we act, talk and do everything. See our students displaying their sense of cultural pride to the many people who assembled on this day to witness the occasion.

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