LEAP Sikapa for Girls

The LEAP Sikapa for Girls is an initiative of the LEAP group that focuses on skills training for girls in deprived areas. The initiative identifies young girls in and around Obuasi and its surrounding communities trains them in trade, tech and art skills such as carpentry, metal work, brick laying, beadery accessories, Fashion accessories, Hair and body care. Project beneficiaries are also trained in leadership, team building, salesmanship and savings.


Introduce vocational skills to young girls so that they can develop alternative sources of livelihood.


Increase trade and employable skills of young girls in Ghana to improve their standards of living.


  • Assist young girls adapt to social and economic pressures using vocational skills.
  • Safeguard girls against threats of illegal mining (galamsey) in Obuasi municipal
  • To economically empower young girls in Ghana
  • Promote gender equality and leadership in Africa

Core Values

  • Pursue growth through the use of vocational skills training.
  • Deliver excellent service through vocational skills development.
  • Embrace and drive change through vocational skills training.


Products and Services

  • Training of girls in fashion designing such as shawls, scarves, wraps and dresses for both local and international markets and beads making such as bracelets, necklaces, fascinators for shoes, sandals, bags and dresses
  • Connecting skilled girls to available markets


To be able to assist individuals especially girls achieve their dreams. We would like to be able to train any girl that comes our way to be self-sustainable and confident right from early childhood into adulthood. We see many deprived girls. In our culture whenever resources are limited girls don’t get a chance to go to school or get any training to better themselves and get a livelihood. Many girls are exposed to threats of society and it is sad to see them struggle without support.

Having the resources, knowledge and capacity to continuously assist girls in our communities and even globally would be our greatest legacy; and to mentor girls to become visible women would bring much satisfaction.